Hello all !!
It has been a long time but I miss my little blog but summer seems to be always really busy for me. . . shouldn't summers be long lazy days ?? - not for me. . . but I do dream about those days.
I was telling my husband today that I miss reading Country Homes and Interios (I had a subscription to it for years. . . :-)) What do I miss from it ??
Looking at lovely houses, relaxed settings and lots of lovely things, recipes, and what not.
And more than anything because it made me dream. . . dream that one day I will be able to relax a little bit in a house like those of magazines, in a garden like the ones I see in there. . .
Maybe I am a fool but what I know is I am a DREAMER and I will never stop dreaming.
Ok, enough babbling now.
See that little bag in the above picture ?? Cute isn't it ?
It is actually a project bag I made myself. For my knitting. For my current sock WIP.
I needed a bag to carry my kitting and I wanted to make it myself, out of my favourite fabrics (or at least some of my favourite fabrics. . .)
And I love the expose zip. I wanted to make a different project bag and I had not seen any with exposed zips. It adds a very romantic touch to it. . . I feel !
I have even toyed with the idea of making some for my Easy Shop. . . but the idea vanishes in my mind as it fills up with my busy work life and the crazy months ahead of me.
And so we will see. . . do you think people would buy it ? - I'm always insecure about things like this.
This bag started when I was playing with my fabric stash. . .
And I'm making socks and shawls. . . shawls ??? me ?? A beginner knitter ??
Yes !! and I want to learn more and more, knitting is so addictive that I have neglected quite a bit my crochet. . . :-(
I bought these sock yarns in Barcelona back in June . . . lovely, aren't they ??

and I'm making socks for my daughter . . .
and I'm doing the Fish Kiss Heels for the first time. . . the pattern is only $1 in Raverly.
The sock pattern I'm using is the Everyday Socks by Erica Luder (a free pattern in Raverly)
And that is all I have to show you for today. . . I hope to be back soon to show you my shawls and other lovely things. . .
What have you all been up to lately ?
It is wonderful!!! I love the bag! Where did you get such a lovely zipper? My summer has seemed busy too though I'm trying not to schedule much. I love that magazine and need to buy one. It is my favorite. I'm not even sure this comment will post because it hasn't worked in the past but I will try again.