My creations - Mis creaciones

My creations - Mis creaciones

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Stash-Busting for Mother's Day

crochet, ganchillo, funda móvil, mobile cover

alfiletero flor,  telas Lecien
Dear readers, 

Wow ! it seems like ages I don't blog, but it's been a week, and that is ages to me. 
Well there was all sort of things, travelling for work, my 2 children have been sick (with a bad cold, throat infection) since Friday last week, a trip to ER with my daughter at night (nothing serious but she had had temperature for 3 days and she got a nasty rash all over that night) and we just felt it had to be checked out. 

Now, that was a bit of a nervous trip for me. My baby was sleeping and so we decided my husband stayed with him and I went to hospital with my daughter. Something you dont know yet about me is that I am not a confident driver and I had never before driven at night and the motorway seems to be still a challenge for me. I do take it but just to go 2 exits further (where the Supermarket is, etc). 
The hospital is only 5 mins away from where we live, but if I took the motorway and so I did. 
It may seem silly but that was a challenge for me. 

In the end everything was fine we made it to the hospital and back home, and the pediatrician said that it might have been a rash provoked by the infection in the throat or else allergy to the antibiotics she was on. She changed the antibiotics to a different one and my daughter has improved greatly now. 
And the whole experience must have not been too bad as she wanted to go to hospital again the night after. . . So all in all, the lack of sleep, trying to catch up with work, children needing more attention, etc 
I barely got chance to check out other blogs, which I did but in very small doses and I neglected mine due to lack to energy. 

But now everything is kind of getting back to normality and routine (which I love, I love routine. . . ) 
Today is Mother's Day in Spain (the first Sunday of May) and I managed to squeeze in some crafty time between Friday night and last night and made my mum these two cuties. 

Queridas Lectoras, 

Madre Mia ! Parece que llevo una eternidad sin acercarme por mi blog, aunque solo ha sido una semana, pero es mucho tiempo para mi.

Hahabido de todo esta semana, viaje por trabajo, mis 2 peques malitos (con un mal resfriado y placas en la garganta) desde el viernes de la semana psada, un viaje a Urgencias con mi hija por la noche (nada serio pero llevaba 3 dias con fiebre y la salio un sarpullido que no nos gustaba ) y pensamos que era merjor que la viera el medico.

Ese fue un viaje con una dosis de nervios para mi. Mi bebe estaba durmiendo asi que decidimos que mi marido se quedaba con el y yo llevaba a la niña al hospital. Algo que aun no sabeis de mi es que no soy una conductora segura de mi misma, y nunca habia conducido de noche, sola y en la autovia y fue un reto para mi. Si, tomo la autovia a veces pero solo para ir dos salidas mas alla (que es donde esta el Super). El hospital solo esta a 5 mins de mi casa por la autovia, asi que alla que fui yo.
Puede que os parezca una tontería pero para mi fue un reto. . .

Al final todo fue bien, llegamos al hospital y volvimos a casa y el pediatra dijo que podia ser un sarpullido ocasionado por la misma infeccion o bien una alergia a los antibioticos. Asi que me cambio el antiobiotico por otro y mi hija ha mejorado muchisimo.

La experiencia no ha debido ser tan mala para ella ya que queria ir al hospital de nueva la noche siguiente !!
Todo junto, la falta de sueño, intentar ponerme al dia con el trabajo, los niños necesitando mas atencion, etc casi no he tenido tiempo de mirar otros blogs, lo cual he hecho pero en pequeñas dosis y abandone mi blog por falta de energia.

Todo esta volviendo a la normalidad y rutina (me encanta la rutina . . .)

Hoy es el Dia de la Madre en España (el primer Domingo de Mayo) y entre el viernes y ayer por la  noche conseguí hacer estas monadas para mi madre...

A pin cushion like the one I made when I started blogging and I will make a tutorial of how to make it as I have to make another one for me. They are really easy to make and quick too. . . 

And a crocheted mobile phone cover, isn't it cute ? I have been thinking of making one like this for a while but the final inspiration came about 2 weeks ago from Deb's blog (A World of Imagination).
She made cute tissue covers she thought they would also be good as mobile phone covers. 

I first made the cream one for myself as a test last week and then the pink one is for my mum. 

Un alfiletero como el que hice cuando empece el blog y del cual haré un tutorial de como hacerlo ya que tengo que hacer otro para mi. Son muy fáciles y rápidos de hacer . . .

Y también una funda para móvil hecha a ganchillo, no es preciosa ? He querido hacer una de estas por algún tiempo pero la inspiración final vino hace unas 2 semanas desde el Blog de Deb (A World of Imagination).
Ella hizo fundas para pañuelos de papel o tisis pero también pensó que serian buenas para móviles.

Primero hize la de color crema para mi como prueba la semana pasada y luego la rosa es para mi madre.

The pattern for the cover itself is really easy and I followed hers. I tried to change the SC (uk DC) for             HDC (uk HTC) but I did not like the result and so I stuck to the original pattern. For the border I also followed her pattern. 

For the flower, I did not have the book she mentions and I tried to put a flower that I'm using for my daughters blanket but it did not look right. So I made it up. Again, although I made a few of the flowers I did not write the pattern so I think I might write a tutorial with the pattern, coming soon. 

For the leaf, I used the leaf from the May Roses tutorial at Attic 24 (a blog of reference for me).
One day I will also use her roses for some project as they are just sooo cute. . .

So, to all the mothers that live in Spain: Happy Mother's Day !! And to the rest Happy Day and Week too wherever you are !! 

El patron para la funda es muy facil y segui el patron de Deb. Intente cambiar el punto bajo por uno medio alto pero no me gusto el resultado así que seguí el patrón original. Para el borde también seguí su patrón.

Para la flor, no tengo el libro que ella menciona e intente poner una de las flores que estoy usando para la manta de mi hija pero no quedaba bien. Así que me invente una flor. De nuevo, aunque hize algunas flores no escribí el patrón  así que creo que haré un tutorial de como hacerla, aunque es muy sencilla.

Para las hojas use la del tutorial de las May Roses de Attic 24 (un blog de referencia para mi)
Un dia usare las rosas para algún proyecto porque me encantan . . .

Así que a todas las madres de España: Feliz Día de la Madre !!! y al resto Feliz Dia y Feliz Semana donde quiera que estéis !!


  1. So beautiful projects, Eva! Love all!
    Happy Mother's Day for you :D
    Hugs from Portugal,

    Ana Love Craft

  2. I know what you mean about the motorway being quite a challenge, I'm far from being a confident driver too!
    I love your cellphone covers and pincushion! Very cute!

  3. Your gifts are lovely!! :) your mum will be very happy.
    I know how difficult it is to manage emotions and time for family needs while working....I was a full time professional until one year back and worked outside home from 8:30am to 8pm . My husband had flexibility to work from home, so it was mostly him who managed looking after our daughter when sick and I used to fight emotions in office that I cannot reach to her.

  4. I'm so glad you will be able to get back into your routine. I love routine myself even more than my kids I think. Your pincushions are so lovely. I have always wanted to make one. And I love your phone cases. The flowers are so cute. Happy Mother's Day!

  5. visiting from craftilicious link party. I love love what you have made and I am pleased that your daughter was OK. Sometimes it is better to check things out with the Doctors.

  6. Gorgeous gifts for Mother's Day. I am sure she will be thrilled with them. Hugs Judy

  7. What beautiful gifts, your mum will be very happy :)

  8. I'm glad your daughter is improving now, love the mothers days gifts they are beautiful. :)

  9. Lovely gifts :)
    I'm glad you're all ok now too, that must have been so scary with your daughter. xx

  10. Hi,

    Very cute creation.

    Greetings, Jaimie

  11. I love your pincushion, it's so pretty and your mobile phone holders are beautiful, my friend used hers for that rather than the tissues. X


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Thanks for taking the time and effort,
xox Eva

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