My creations - Mis creaciones

My creations - Mis creaciones

Monday, May 13, 2013

Stash-Busting: Finished Shawl & Weekend Pictures

Hello !! Did you have a nice weekend ? 
- I hope you did.
Yesterday I finally finished this shawl with the yarn I bought in Lisbon.
And I say finally because in the little craft time I had in the last 3 weeks I probably would have made 6 shawls !! How come ? - because I made lots of mistakes along the way. . . either missed a double crochet, or made 2 where I should had only made one, etc. First I used a hook size 4 but I was not liking how it was looking (I had already made the 23 rounds of the pattern repeat. . .) so I started again with a hook size 6. 

Hola ! Habéis pasado un buen fin de semana ? 
- Espero que si. . . 
Ayer finalmente termine el chal que me estaba haciendo 
Y digo finalmente porque con el poco tiempo que he tenido en las ultimas 3 semanas hubiera hecho 6 chales !! Como ?? Si no hubiera cometido todos los errores que hice. 
Si no me salte un punto, hice dos donde no debía, etc. 
El primero fue usar una aguja del 4 y cuando ya llevaba 23 vueltas no me gustaba, lo deshice y empece de nuevo con una del 6. 
Mostly I made mistakes in the repeat pattern. 
Last Thursday evening I was counting the final round stitches and the total should come to 170 but I only had 167 (and I probably said the 'crap' (pardon my french) word 167 times too). As I could not see where I had made the mistake I had to count the stitches in each round until I found the mistake. I had to undo the whole thing up until round 6 (the pattern repeat is 23 rounds). 

La mayoría de los errores han sido en el patron repetido (vuelta 1 a 23). 
El Jueves por la noche en la vuelta numero 23 conte los puntos que tenia, debía haber 170 y yo solo tenia 167 !! 
Como no podia ver donde había cometido el error tuve que contar los puntos en cada vuelta hasta que encontré que el error estaba en la vuelta 6, os podéis imaginar la frustración. . .

As I got more time in the evenings then I made it again and on Saturday morning I only had to make the border which is around 6 more rounds (each of them different). 
The border was the quickest part.

Como poco a poco iba teniendo mas tiempo por las noches volví a hacer desde la vuelta  6 y el sábado ya solo me quedaba el borde que son unas 6 vueltas (cada una diferente).
Y el borde fue bastante rápido. 

Now the shawl is finished, it looks shorter than I would have liked, and with less wraparound I would have liked too (I made the Long Version with 7 panels) but I did not have the energy anymore to start again and try to add more stitches and adapt the pattern. 

Ahora que el chal esta terminado, es mas corto de lo que me hubiera gustado y con menos vuelo  o circunferencia tambien (hice la Long Version con 7 paneles)pero ya no tenia ni ganas, ni energia para volver a hacerlo, añadir otro panel y adaptar el patron para hacerlo mas largo. . . 

This is my first shawl after all, so I guess I have learned a few lessons with it. 
I followed the pattern for the All Shawl pattern in Raverly. 
All in all it came out lovely and I have enjoyed making it, although I missed working with all the colors from my blanket making

Después de todo este es mi primer chal y he aprendido algunas lecciones haciendolo. 
El patron es All Shawl de Raverly
Ha quedado muy bonito y he disfrutado haciendolo, aunque he echado de menos trabajar con todos los colores de mi manta

Now I leave you with some weekend pictures of one of the nicest parks in Madrid city centre

Y ahora, os dejo con algunas fotos del fin de semana ende uno de los parques mas bonitos del centro de Madrid (sino el mas bonito), EL RETIRO.

Have a nice Week!

Que tengáis una feliz semana !



  1. Your shawl is beautiful. I have had sweaters like that where I have knitted for hours and then ripped up over and over again. I do need to make myself a shawl though. The park is beautiful. Was that one you were crocheting in?

  2. Hallo Eva thank you so much for your nice comment. I came here and found this nice blog, I love it and I love your work! You were so patient to do and undo this crochet work so many times! I saw you live in Madrid. The sister of one of my best friends has been living there for many years. I know it's a beautiful town, never visited, unfortunately. I saw your crochet flower tutorial, ooh I absolutely have to try it soon. I was just looking for a nice flower tuto, thanks!
    I'm going to link you to my blog and never miss your updates :-)

  3. I love the shawl! It's a pain when a patterntakes forever because you have to rip back so many times but I think it's worth it this time :) Love the photos of the Retiro xx

  4. Love your weekend photos, thanks for sharing. What a beautiful park area, and those turtles are very cute :)

    Your crochet shawl is absolutely gorgeous. It must have taken so much patience to make it, but the final result is great. Lovely crochet work!

  5. Oh my - Madrid looks splendid. I must go there one day. :)

  6. Pero ese maravilloso parque! Todavía no estoy nunca había estado en España y me encantaría ir, voy a saber a quién pedir consejo! Bellisssimooo!

  7. ciao complimenti per le tue creazioni!!! sono una nuova follower se ti va passa a trovarmi <3

  8. Muy chulo el chal, está en mi lista de tareas pendientes :P
    Qué bonito es El Retiro, he estado un par de veces y se agradece que haya un parque así en la capital :)


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Thanks for taking the time and effort,
xox Eva

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