My creations - Mis creaciones

My creations - Mis creaciones

Monday, April 22, 2013

Two Bloggers Meet in Lisbon !!

Hello all !

Hola a todas !
First of all I want to give a huge THANK YOU to all that have read me, left a comment and followed me ! 

Primero quiero decir GRACIAS a todas las que me leéis, las que habéis dejado algún comentario y me habéis seguido !

And also a huge WELCOME to all my new followers. And I want to take this chance too to invite you all to follow me with Bloglovin. As you might all know by now that Google reader is going out the window and you might loose track of the blogs you are following if you don't follow your current favourite blogs through another reader. 

También dar una gran BIENVENIDA a mis nuevas seguidoras. Me gustaría aprovechar esta oportunidad para invitaros a que me sigáis con Bloglovin. Seguro que ya sabéis que Google reader va a desaparecer y que podéis perder el rastro de los blogs que seguís si no los seguís a través de otro lector que no sea Google.
Ok, now we go to Lisbon
Ahora vamos a Lisboa. 

This below is me (the one on the right with black coat) !! And the lovely lady beside me (on the left) is Ana from AnaLoveCraft (visit her at her blog she makes lovely things of crochet, sewing, etc).

Esta de abajo soy yo (la de la derecha con abrigo negro) !! Y la guapa y simpática señora a la izquierda es Ana de AnaLoveCraft (visita su blog, seguro que os gustara, hace cosas preciosas de ganchillo, costura, etc)

Isn't blogging a great thing ? 

I first came across Ana when she left a comment in this post telling me she had just bought the same vinyl fabric. And so we exchanged some emails after that. 

La primera vez que conocí a Ana fue cuando dejo un comentario en esta noticia mía.

I travel to Lisbon a couple of times a year for work and when I told Ana we both agreed we should meet and cross our virtual correspondance into real life.

Voy a Lisboa unas dos veces al año por trabajo y cuando se lo dije a Ana nos pusimos de acuerdo que debíamos conocernos y pasar de lo virtual al real.

Ana was sooo nice and I felt like I knew her for ages.
Ana es majisima y senti como si la conociera de mucho tiempo.

We met in the Chiado area of Lisbon near all the crafts, fabrics and yarn shops as it could not be otherwise.
Quedamos en la zona del Chiado de Lisboa, cerca de las tiendas de lanas, telas y mercerias como no podia ser de otra manera.

We only had one hour before the shops closed and so we rushed into many of them.
Solo teníamos una hora antes de que cerraran las tiendas así que fuimos con un poco de prisa.

And I got these yarns. I did not really need to buy any yarns as I had already WIPs to finish and the choice and colours were so many that I was a bit overwhelmed by it all. I got all these (nearly 1 kg (8 skeins of over 100grs each) ) for less than 30 Euros  !

Yo compre estas lanas. La verdad es que no necesitaba en este momento ya que tengo varios proyectos sin terminar pero tenían tantas y de colores tan bonitos que no sabia ni por donde empezar. Todas estas que son casi 1Kg (8 madejas de mas de 100grs cada una) me costaron menos de 30 euros !

I could not think straight and just bought these colours. One thing I was thinking of was I wanted to make a scarf and hat for my daughter and something for me (maybe a cowl or a neck or a scarf or shawl).

No podia pensar y me decidi por estos colores. Una cosa que si que pensé es que quería hacer una bufanda y gorrito para mi hija y alguna cosa para mi (no sabia si seria un cuello, bufanda, chal. . .). 

Then we went for a true Portuguese dinner to this lovely restaurant out in her favourite Lisbon town, Belhem.

Luego fuimos a cenar a este restaurante de gastronomia Portuguesa con unas vistas maravillosas del pueblo favorito de Ana en Lisboa, Belem.

It was so much fun. We talked a lot, and laughed and exchanged views about blogging and crafting, shared tips too, etc.

Lo pasamos genial. Hablamos. Mucho. Reimos, y compartimos puntos de visto sobre tener un blog y sobre las cosas que hacemos (ganchillo, costura, etc).

Ana made this for me as a gift, isn't it lovely ?

Ana me hizo este neceser como regalo, no os parece precioso ?

All in all it was a great experience and we will surely meet again, somewhere.
I just love blogging for that, it makes it all worthy!

Fue una gran experiencia y seguramente la repetiremos, en algún lugar.
Me encanta bloguear, aunque solo sea por momentos como ese, ha merecido la pena !

Have you ever met another blogger ? What was your experience ?
Alguna vez habéis conocido a otras blogueras ? Cual fue vuestra experiencia ?


  1. What fun! I have never met another blogger but I would love. Would your work ever bring to you the US? I love the color yarn you bought. I find that sometimes when I have little time in a store I tend to buy more. And I have done a great deal of craft shopping this month.

  2. That's delightful that you two ladies were able to meet and spend the day together - such a fabulous experience!

  3. It's so great that you got to meet another blogger - and from the photos it looks like you both had a great time :) The gift Ana made for you in lovely, I wonder what you'll use it for? Some crafty supplies? :)

  4. Me ha encantado tu entrada. Muy bonita tu experiencia. Por cierto sigo tu blog hace poco y me encanta. Un saludo


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Thanks for taking the time and effort,
xox Eva

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